Friday, July 29, 2011

Restoring Safari 5.0 in Snow Leopard Made Easy


Safari has been my browser of choice for quite some time now. I recently upgraded to Safari 5.1 even though I'm still running OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) on both my MacBook and iMac, and expect to continue this way for a bit. I use the Glims plugin for Safari which adds a bunch of really useful features to Safari, my favorites being address bar searching with keywords and adding additional search engines in the search box.

Unfortunately, some of the Glims plugin features were broken by the upgrade. Furthermore, I was having issues with Safari 5.1 seemingly leaking memory and beach-balling quite a lot after extended browsing.

Today I found this really simple (so long as you're comfortable with using Terminal) method for restoring Safari back to version 5.0.5 at Mac OS X Hints. I tried it and it seems to have worked fine. All the Glims features appear to be back and functioning.


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