Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Featured: 1-7-2014 ChronoZoom


ChronoZoom is a free, open source timeline tool that allows teachers and students to create powerful interactive timelines that reveal new perspectives on history.
ChronoZoom 1
Unlike conventional timelines, ChronoZoom allows you to zoom in and out between a timeline that covers decades and one that covers billions of years. View Big History in a whole new way. Browsing through history on ChronoZoom lets you explore an array of historical data including articles, images, video, and audio.
ChronoZoom 2
ChronoZoom can help put historical events in perspective. There is a tendency to think of time solely in linear, sequential terms, thus hiding the scope of the breadth of time. If you use ChronoZoom to zoom from the Industrial Revolution all the way back to the Big Bang, you can see how that depth provides an entirely new way to visualize time and history. 

A great many resources have already been created in ChronoZoom. The timelines, exhibits, and tours have been created by authors from many disciplines, and express unusual and compelling views of history.

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