Friday, May 21, 2010

Catch of the Day - Nibipedia - May 21, 2010

Nibipedia is a database of high-quality educational video content. The value of that content is enhanced through community collaboration. Users of Nibipedia can explore, add, and share comments, references, and other related material.

Much like a wiki, members of the Nibipedia community can annotate and "nib" videos. A nib is a small visual image marking a specific location in the video and linking to either a Wikipedia article or an Amazon book, DVD, or CD. In the future, additional text sources will be available from which to choose.


Nibipedia is fairly intuitive and easy to navigate. Use a key word search or browse the video channels and playlists to find Nibipedia content. Nibispheres are groups of related annotated videos on particular topics.

Participating in the annotation process and adding relevant links to videos provides an opportunity to engage in learning and understanding while at the same time helping to create a rich source of educational video.

Nibipedia was founded by Troy Peterson and Terry Schubring in Stillwater, Minnesota, in 2008.


1 comment:

Unknown said... has open sourced our original code and have begun looking for underwriters to create a prize to make a Youtube + Wikipedia Mashup. The Wikitube Prize.

Also, we released a short video that explains our original idea that we weren't able to create at the time, it is possible now. We're interested in getting feedback from educators, homeschoolers and students about the proposed app if you can share, it would be appreciated.

All comments to this blog are reviewed before being published. The chances of you getting a comment including ridiculously obvious "hidden" hyperlinks to porn sites or other spam published is virtually zero. So, save your time as well as mine, and take your tawdry business elsewhere.