Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Featured 4-30-2014: Math & Movement

A kinesthetic, multi-sensory approach to teaching math, Math & Movement incorporates physical exercise, stretching, cross-body movements, yoga, and visually-pleasing floor mats designed to encourage students to practice math.
Students physically hop, walk, crawl, dance, or touch the mats and banners as they learn, thereby using visual, auditory, motor, and kinesthetic learning processes.
Math 1
Math & Movement takes advantage of children's natural inclination for movement and creative imagination to master basic math. The floor mats and banners cover the concepts of addition, subtraction, telling time, skip-counting, multiplication, division, fractions, factoring, positive/negative numbers, Cartesian coordinates, money, unit circle, place value, decimals, percents, rounding, and probability.
The movements are divided into six categories:
  • Active Math: Whisper/Loud Movements - Designed to give your students physical exercise while simultaneously enhancing math and reading ability.
  • Active Math: Skip Counting Movements - Designed to provide additional physical exercise while learning the multiples.
  • Sit-Down Math Activities - Designed for quiet time and involve stretching.
  • Tapping at the Table Activities - Designed to be used in between other activities, while students sit at their desks.
  • Hallway Math Activities - Designed to be used walking in the hallway to and from lunch, PE, art, music, computer or library.
  • Math 'n Yoga Activities - Incorporate math practice into popular yoga moves.
The Math & Movement program is based on research that suggests that moving during learning facilitates muscle memory, an important factor with younger children whose abstract thinking skills are not fully developed. It also draws on research suggesting that cross-body movements integrate the left and right hemisphere of the brain, waking up a sleepy brain and helping to establish newly learned material in memory.
Math 2
 Watch a Math & Movement demo video
While developing their math skills, Math & Movement lets students simultaneously experience an overall sense of well-being. Using these activities during the day, before testing, or during transitions, allows teachers and students to feel energized, focused, calm, and prepared to learn.

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