Thursday, August 18, 2011

Catch of The Day - FreshBrain - 8/18/2011

FreshBrain provides a safe social-networking-based environment where teens can explore technology-related activities, create projects of their own, show and share their work, and connect with other students while learning technology and 21st century skills.



FreshBrainActivity is a comparatively simple, pre-designed task typically independently undertaken by one or more students who take an idea and create something useful. An Activity usually would be completed in a few of days or weeks. There are two types of activities: Open and Sponsored. Open activities are always available to students to complete. Sponsored activities are available for a limited duration with a deadline and rewards.


A Project is a more extensive task where one or more students take an idea and turn it into something substantial. A project can range from something that one person completes in a number of weeks to one completed by a team of students over a number of months. A Project usually involves going through a systematic process to simulate real world scenarios where things are justified through some quantifiable metrics, including preparing an action plan and building the actual end product.


Students who take on projects may request a FreshBrain advisor who will provide the necessary guidance to help them be successful. Advisors are trained on the FreshBrain processes and tools and must complete a background check.



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