Scholastic Storia is a free e-reading app for iPad created by the people at Scholastic. The design of Storia is intended to help kids learn to read in a fun and interactive way.
Scholastic Storia comes with five free books and access to a collection of children’s digital picture, chapter, and interactive books that are appropriate for ages 3 to 14.
Parents are able to set up individual bookshelves for each of their children, purchase new books for their children, and track each child’s progress through each book. Kids can customize their bookshelves and use a variety of features that help them read in an independent and engaged way.
The editors at Scholastic carefully curate a wide and growing selection of books of all topics, so that kids can find the books that are just-right for their reading levels and interests. The Scholastic Storia app meets the reading needs and levels of each child, providing age-appropriate features that help develop reading enjoyment and proficiency:
- audio narration and pronunciation tools
- phonics and vocabulary activities
- word games, story interactions, and animations
- customized, age-appropriate embedded dictionary
More proficient readers can take notes, highlight text, and access contextual videos.
Scholastic Storia's Parent Tools allow tracking of each reader’s activity and progression through each book with information such as what new words were learned, how many pages were read, and how long was spent reading each day.
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