Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Simple Tips for Clearing Your Inbox

I hear so many teachers in our district complain about being overwhelmed with email. Just one peek at their inboxes and I see why. Virtually every piece of email they receive stays in the inbox until they just arbitrarily delete everything (both important and trivial) out of frustration.

And finding a particular email is an agonizing exercise in scrolling through dozens, maybe hundreds, of messages cluttering the inbox.

Today, I put together this tip sheet for those teachers. Apart from the unique technical how-to's specific to our less than state-of-the-art email system, the tips could be used by anyone who finds himself email-challenged.
Managing Your MV Webmail


Mrs. Tenkely said...

I see this so often. I can't tell you how helpful this is! Thank you, thank you!

Nick Provenzano said...

Nice info here. I often try to tell teachers that they do not need to keep everything they have ever received in their Inbox. This is a nice way to explain everything. Great job!

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