Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Have a question on Learning Disabilities or Response to Intervention?

Lessonopoly users have a special opportunity to ask questions about Response to Intervention (RTI) and learning disabilities (LD) to Dr. Sheldon Horowitz from the National Center for Learning Disabilities. Dr. Horowitz will respond with a podcast and possibly a video which will be shared on Lessonopoly.


This is a great opportunity to ask anything you've ever wanted to know about LD or RTI. Click here to ask your question. Deadline is the end of this week, February 25.

Possible topic areas to ask questions include:

  • How to build student self-advocacy skills
  • Tips for talking with parents
  • Ways to foster preparation for IEP meetings
  • LD and Math or Science

Sheldon H. Horowitz, Ed.D., is the director of professional services at the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD). Dr. Horowitz has taught at the primary, secondary, and college levels, and worked as a consultant to school districts throughout the New York City region.


Go to an earlier post about Lessonopoly


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