Monday, February 25, 2013

Featured: 2/25/2013 JumpRope [Assessment]

JumpRope is a tool designed to help teachers, schools, and districts move from traditional grades towards standards-based assessment.

Educators using JumpRope's web-based platform can implement standards-based grading through innovative assessment and feedback. JumpRope strives to enable teachers and schools to “engage students with active pedagogy, purposeful planning, and authentic learning experiences.”

JumpRope provides easy, fast, and powerful access to current, accurate information about attendance, character, and standards-based performance. Standards-based grading for every classroom is practical with JumpRope. Teachers can write their own standards, use state standards, or align to the Common Core.

Main features of JumpRope:

  • Take attendance for each period of the day, and the data is visible in real time to other teachers.
  • Stay up to date on student behavior and character development. Any teacher can write anecdotes on student behavior, assign a category and value, and request follow up from another staff member.
  • Design curriculum based on the principles of backwards planning, and your curriculum plan automatically populates your standards-based gradebook.

Jumprope is free for teachers. JumpRope also offers a full suite of tools to help school staff and administrators with school-wide reporting needs, schedule creation, and management.


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